Lancaster Classes
50 Ranck Ave
Lancaster, PA
Shillington Classes
122 W Lancaster Ave
Shillington, PA
2 locations for your convenience!
Please doublecheck when booking.
Course Descriptions - click here to enroll

5 Techniques to Work Smarter not Harder
WIth Laura Parker, LMT
Learn 5 techniques for more effective and longer lasting results. Techniques include an introduction to silicon cupping, sustained positional release, LAST, kinesio tape, and kinesio flossing.
Includes sample kit of silicon cups & kinesio tape
Add More techniques class for only $100
And... More Techniques to Work Smarter not Harder
With Laura Parker, LMT
Learn more techniques for more effective and longer lasting results. Techniques include an introduction to Dolphin Neurostim, Instrument Assisted Massage and Guasha, AIS, and more.
Includes sample kit of tools
Assisted Stretching Classes - PNF
Assisted Stretching/PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Stretching):
with Jim Earley, LMT
Live! Fun! Interactive & Hands on!
This class will cover the following aspects of Sports Stretching: PNF Stretching (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) upper & lower body.
Types of stretching/when to stretch/athletes & stretching PNF stretching (contract/relax stretching) PNF stretching is an effective way to increase range of motion using facilitated stretching and resistance from the client. This provides a deeper stretch.
Basic Sports Massage: Tools for the Therapist: with GuaSha Certification
With Jim Earley, LMT
Students will learn techniques to add to their skill sets as massage therapists and sports massage therapists. This will include learning Gua Sha(Graston muscle scraping) techniques on upper & lower body.
Also covered in the class will be: proper foam rolling techniques, proper use of lacrosse balls to break up adhesions, and use of other tools for the therapist including percussion tools such as the Hypervolt. The students will also learn proper Active Isolated Stretching (to use on clients and for self care). Stretching strap will be provided. These skills are designed to give the therapist added skills to use on themselves for self care and for their clients. Students will be asked to bring sheets, lubricant (gel, lotion). Also loose clothing and shorts. Class will be very participative.
Titanium gua sha (Graston tool) will be provided
Cranial Sacral for Everyday Treatments
Unlock the full potential of your practice with our Ki Results: Practical Approaches with Cranial Sacral for Everyday Treatments.
Discover the transformative power of Cranial Sacral Therapy in this engaging course, perfect for both newcomers and seasoned practitioners! You’ll learn gentle, hands-on techniques to locate and release restrictions in the head, spine, sacrum, and underlying membranes, empowering the body to heal itself. Cranial Sacral Therapy can be seamlessly incorporated into other bodywork practices or used as a standalone method, making it incredibly versatile. It's especially effective in addressing chronic neck and back pain, migraines, TMJ issues, emotional trauma, auditory concerns, stress-related imbalances, arthritis, and even childhood behavioral challenges.
What makes Cranial Sacral Therapy so versatile is its ability to stand alone or seamlessly blend with other bodywork techniques. And because it's a fully clothed, gentle practice, it’s easy to introduce to clients who may be new to massage, making it a perfect addition to your toolkit.
Cupping - Advanced classes - static, ROM, PNF and more
With Jim Earley,
Range of Motion Cupping or Cupping with Release will replicate Pin & Stretch. Pin & Release or ART with cups. Cups will be placed on various areas of the body and then put the various muscle groups through range of motion. This allows a deeper release of stagnation & inflammation, allowing the client to experience a deeper release & relief from pain. We will be performing these techniques on various muscle groups, such as traps, rhomboids, lats, pectorals, QL, SI area, glute medius, hamstring, gastroc, soleus, tibialis anterior, quadriceps, TFL, biceps, triceps, upper traps, scalenes, SCM, wrist flexors & extensors.
The class is very participative & you will receive a cupping set with the class. However, you're encouraged to bring set from Jim's cupping 1 class. Prerequisite: Cupping 1
Facial and Abdominal Cupping
With Jim Earley, LMT
Facial Cupping and Abdominal Cupping and a brief demonstration of Range of Motion Cupping and release techniques (pin and release with cups. Facial Cupping will cover the watershed area to help with lymph drainage on the face, neck and clavicular area. Also covered in Facial Cupping will be cupping for sinus issues as well as for TMJ/ grinding teeth. We will also cover rejuvenation cupping or facelifting for increased circulation in the face to help with blood circulation, collagen production and smoothing wrinkles in the skin.
Abdominal Cupping will explore abdominal cupping to help with such issues as : acid reflux, IBS, constipation, c-section scarring, irregular and painful periods. The class will include a facial/abdominal silicone cupping set.
No prerequisite necessary. Come join us for an educational, hands-on class!
Forearm Fusion
1 and 2 day forearm fusion classes:
With Jim Funk
Forearm Fusion was designed to teach the massage therapist how to use maximum pressure with minimal effort and strain, preventing repetitive use injuries and burnout.
The one-day Forearm Fusion course will teach new and seasoned therapists foundations for improving body mechanics and how to use all aspects of the forearm and elbow.
These techniques will allow the therapist to provide their client with a custom massage without using their hands or thumbs.
Foundations of Cupping
with Jim Earley, LMT
Learn the basics techniques of Cupping and how to apply them to your clients.
You will learn the benefits and contraindications of Cupping and the different types of Cupping: Static and Sliding. You will learn how to incorporate Cupping into your massage practice and how to use Cupping for athletes both pre and post athletic event. You will also learn post cupping guidelines to review with your clients.
Each therapist receives a 12 piece cupping set.
8 CEs/hours
Japanese Facial Massage
in all 4 Stages
A perfect class for dual licensed massage therapists and estheticians. BUT you don't need to be an estetician to take this class.
In this 16 CE class you will learn how perform an ancient, therapeutic facial massage beginning with stage one (the facial drainage stage) integrating facial rollers with first contact facial massage strokes. The second stage (the steaming stage) steaming with a moist towel followed with a dry one. The third stage (the moisturizing stage) is facial massage pre-energizing stage and the fourth stage (the energizing stage) is acupressure followed with acupressure shiatsu for restoring balance as you release energetic blockages. Your clients will experience increased venous circulation of the face and neck areas, relaxation, decreased tension of the face/neck/head muscles, and it will benefit clients who experience headaches, sinus problems, migraines and TMJ disorder.
2 day - 16CEs/hrs
Lymphatic Drainage
Ki Results: Practical Approaches with Lymphatic Drainage in Everyday Massage Treatment
With Lisa Keplinger
Introduce yourself to Lymphatic Drainage & all the beautiful ways it will improve your practice of massage with this professional class.
This class reviews the anatomy of the Lymphatic System superficial to deep, the when, the why and the how to apply techniques to get long lasting results for your clients’ goals. This class is designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the anatomy of the Lymphatic System with deep dives in combining lymphatic drainage massage techniques to your massage for improved client outcomes. This class will help develop your critical thinking skills to provide clients with support, education, & lasting results with lymphatic drainage techniques. Lymphatic Drainage can improve allergies, sinus infections, digestion, surgery recovery and general lymphatic flow. Learn how to incorporate it into your regular massage & reasons why you would want to or you can use it as a spring board to explore Lymphatic Drainage
Please note this is a 10CE class and times are 1-6pm
Massage for Chronic Pain
Learn how to address chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia and migraines. In this class, you will learn specific strategies for helping your client and gain a more in-depth understanding of what chronic pain is and how it differs from acute pain. You will also learn integrated approaches to help your client break the pain cycle as well as how to prevent acute injuries from becoming chronic. Please bring a set of sheets and wear loose, comfortable clothing for this class.
Note this is 6CEs
Massage for Chronic Pain Conditions
with Laura Parker, LMT, NCBTMB
Learn to address the 4 main types of chronic pain conditions:
Low back pain, migraines, joint pain and nerve pain.
It is recommended, but not required, to take Massage for Chronic Pain first.
Please wear clothes you can move in, your choice of oil or lotion and a pair of sheets.
Massage for Sports Injuries - Upper Body/Lower Body
Sports Injuries - Upper Body - 8CEs/$175
with Laura Parker, LMT
Learn the basics along with how to address the most common upper body sports injuries. Learn why sports injuries are different than other types of injuries and how you can apply this knowledge to help your client. Some of the injuries addressed with be post-concussion injury, whiplash, and shoulder injuries.
Sports Injuries - Lower Body - 8CEs/$175
with Laura Parker, LMT
Learn how to address the most common lower body sports injuries including runner's knee, IT band syndrome, plantar fasciitis and more.
Medical Massage for Low Back Pain
With Laura Parker, LMT
Low back pain is the most prevalent of chronic pain conditions. Learn the various causes, special considerations, and best practices to help your client with this condition. Please wear comfortable clothes as well as a set of sheets.
Medical Massage for Special Populations
From Pediatrics to Geriatrics (emphasis on geriatrics)
with Laura Parker, LMT, NCTMB
Learn the special considerations in medical massage for various life stages and conditions from pediatric to geriatric with a focus on geriatrics. Techniques, adaptations and unique concerns will be covered for the elderly, terminally ill, and young children. Emphasis will be placed on palliative care and massage for vulnerable populations. A variety of conditions will be covered including Alzheimer’s & Dementia, Cancer, Autism, ADHD and more. Please wear comfortable clothes as well as bring a set of sheets and massage cream
Medical Massage for the Upper Body
Part 1 - Head & Neck
Part 2 - Shoulders & Upper Extremities
With Laura Parker, LMT
Learn how to address common upper body pathologies including migraines, concussions, whiplash, frozen shoulder, nerve impingement and more. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a set of sheets.
Classes do not need to be taken together but there is a $75 discount when they are.
$175 per class or $275 both classes.
Modern Approaches to Massage Cupping
with Bradford Nicarry, LMT, CYT
Includes a 12 piece set of plastic massage cups
Cupping can be traced back to ancient Egypt, Greece and China!
That cupping has been employed for thousands of years speaks to it's efficacy. There is a litany of information (some of it conflicting) and a wealth of terms. This course breaks down the salient information and offers plenty of hands on time. Our intent is to bring this work to every type of massage "palette".
We will be using and exploring PLASTIC & SILICON cups, as each medium avails different strengths.
Professional facial rolling level 1
New Class
With Vicky Noll, LMT, LE, BCTMB, RM, NSCA-CPT
Integrate facial rolling into your facial massage skillfully with flow. Get creative with facial massage protocol building. Combine proper rolling techniques with the right facial rollers. Class will include dry brushing, hands on facial massage, tandem facial rolling, roller scalp and brow massage. Facial massage oil provided by student. Elevate your facial massage as you save your wrists and hands with a rolling modality you and your clients will enjoy!
With Lisa Keplinger
Ki Results: Practical Approaches with Reflexology Methodology for Everyday Massage Treatments
Expand or refresh your knowledge of the feet with this professional class. This class provides anatomy of the foot, history of reflexology, relaxation techniques to work reflexology points and how to work it into the flow of your massage to enhance client outcomes or as a standalone service. This class also covers body mechanics for working around the massage table for the therapist.
Somatic MIndfulness - Foundations of Tragerwork
Somatic Mindfulness -
1 day - Expansion - $180/8CE
2 day - Grounding - $320/16CE
with Fernando Rojas, LMT, PhD
Potentiate your therapeutic competence with skills that stimulate the brain’s neuroplasticity.
Learn to introduce new neural information and activate positive neuromuscular cnges in your clients, all while supporting your own self-care. Learn the theory and techniques to complement your massage treatments by: - reducing or eliminating the potential of massage therapist burnout and/or related injuries; preparing the client’s body for deep work with less strain; and developing, transmitting & sharing mindfulness in action.
These skills are designed to give the therapist added skills to use as self-care and for their therapeutic sessions.
Thai Massage
With Bradford Nicarry, LMT
This fully clothed ancient massage practice is often described as "lazy man's yoga". Thai massage is performed on a soft mat on the floor. As the therapist, we are reminded the value of compressions & stretches. Using not just our hands, but also our knees, elbows, & feet: all while pursuing safe ergonomics to lengthen our careers as massage therapists. Our clients will experience a deep stretch & leave feeling refreshed & relaxed, or sometimes rejuvenated & ready for that next workout. With completion of this course, you will have the skills to develop a traditional 90 min Thai service for your spa or clients!
Students should bring sleeping bags & extra blankets. Wear clothes that allow for a full range of motion. We will NOT be needing massage oil or lotions.
Thai Sports Fusion
Table Thai / Sports Stretching Fusion
with Bradford Nicarry, LMT, CYT
Most Sports Stretching Techniques can be traced back to Thai Massage. We will add active assisted stretching techniques to this Table Thai service to optimize the best of both worlds.
Help alleviate your clients’ lower back problems. Learn to address that problematic piriformis muscle. *often the culprit behind sciatica. This course will expand and compliment your bodywork sessions. Since most of modern society will struggle with sciatica at some point, this fully clothed service can be alternately marketed to ANY athlete and an older demographic clientele.
Warm Bamboo
With Bradford Nicarry, LMT, CYT
Welcome to the "what's next" in the massage world. Bamboo - being both easier to prepare and significantly faster to clean after than hot stones. Additionally, bamboo retains and distributes heat differently. It is 8th grade science: Heat expands! The client's muscles and the therapist's hands both benefit from the warming quality of the bamboo! You can incorporate bamboo into your traditional modalities or create a separate service. The bamboo can be safely used directly on the skin, or the client can feel the warmth through sheets and clothing. In this course we will cover contraindications, care, cleaning and maintenance. Expect to spend most of your time practicing on classmates.